by Grant Carrington

You don't understand    and so I try to explain once again
I go out onto the ancient bridge    lie down on its boards    and close my eyes
And you get Centered Right? You say    No
Not Centered
I go in an entirely different direction    into a completely new dimension    where there is no center
I cease to exist
I become the breeze through the leaves    the mist the rain and the birdsongs
Not the birds themselves    
just their songs

But it's all a lie    It just happens    It cannot be described    It cannot be explained

It just is

But I am not there now  nbsp;nbsp;and so I try to create the impossible  nbsp;nbsp;When I am there

I am holy
I am sacred
Something I cannot be  nbsp;nbsp;when I am with you

Copyright 1999. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Duplication of this poetry without permission of the author is forbidden under copyright law. Please ask permission if you wish to use it for non-commercial purposes. PROSECUTORS WILL BE VIOLATED.

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